The law of Octave

The law of Octave is an esoteric metaphysical law about the relation between effort/work and time. It is also about completion. Each octave begins with an intention and ends with a completion or end-result. The octave consists of seven distinct steps or stages, or notes.

These notes are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, and then again to a new do – starting a new cycle or another octave. Each of these notes represent distinct stages of time and their corresponding qualities of energy. As well, at each note our role in 'doing' or 'working' is different. In other words, each note requires a unique mode or way of being, which will be necessary to fulfill that particular stage in order to move into the next one, and in order to finally complete the whole octave in the most fulfilling manner. Each octave has its own potentials to be fulfilled, and there are many potential possibilities in any octave, which have to do with how we experience and the energies transformed in us.

This is not merely about getting things done. Accomplishing a physical task, or completing a particular work, is of course important in all of this, as well as the quality of the work done and our efficiency of time in completing things. However, there is much more possible in doing work, than just its physical accomplishment. For there is much that is possible involving our inner being and various transformations of energies in us, which can happen along with our outer work or activity.

It is this inner side of things of which we are particularly concerned with in these teachings, which includes the quality and expansiveness of our experience, the positive transformation of energies inside us, and the spiritual evolution of our very being. Even though the outer work, efficiency and quality of the job done are also very important.

These inner possibilities are available with each octave, but only a portion of such potential will usually be actualized in our experience and in our being. Another way of understanding this is that there an abundance of potential in each octave, potential relating to our inner consciousness and being, so our goal is to make as much of this real in us as possible. Each intentionally worked octave will provide an new opportunity.

It has been said by one teacher, 'Man is a transformer of subtle energies.' This is about both inner and outer transformation, because there is a possible interchange between the inner and outer, between our own being and the world around us, as subtle energies are brought in and then out and then in again, and so it goes, like the cycle of breath, and remember that breath will be ever important in this.

Whenever something is begun with a completion in mind, an octave of time is set into motion which proceeds from the beginning but also in reverse time from the future to the present. The time from beginning to end can be divided into an octave of notes or phases of time. As we observe the octave in practice we will begin to notice the subtle change or difference in the quality of each note. These phases might change on an hourly interval, if agreed to, or may change phase in their own time. The duration of one note is not necessarily equal to others, but if we organize a time for completion in a progression of seven notes, we will create a more consistent order in the octave.

As we begin to know where we are in the octave, we can know how to use this particular quality of time with greater success. In any one note all the notes are potentially there, just as the whole phase of a process subsists within any one phase of it, yet one particular note is most dominant at any one time. One octave is most predominant and relevant at any time, yet usually many octaves are happening at the same time and in different phases. One could potentially be aware of many octaves all happening at once, but it is most practical to concentrate upon the most relevant and necessary one to work on at this time.

The Octave is a fascinating subject and is meant to be quite practical in life, if used with knowledge and intention. So our goal is to learn about and make use of this law of octave. What is stated here is a foundational introduction, but it can only be truly understood and made applicable by way of our experimenting and working with it.

Do, the first note, is the initial intention, which includes the idea or goal decided and agreed upon. It connects us to a potential completion of the goal and sets forth a pattern of time that extends into future time (or what could be called potential time). This sets up a pattern in time, which will then help us work with time. This pattern extends into future (potential) time, so that now our work in each present moment will be connected to the future by this pattern. So when the first note is sounded, sounded by our intention, decision, and agreement, a pattern in time is set up and the energies required for the work begin to coalesce in that pattern of time.

The first aspect of this note, this intention, is to decide and agree to completing a certain work or task. Second, it is useful to set aside or agree to a certain amount of time for completing this work. This helps to set up a pattern in real time, for the work to be done and also for higher potentials to be made available. If we set forth a certain amount of time for the work, with intention and agreement, then all that is needed for completion will be available in this pattern of time, if it is realistically possible and assuming that other patterns do not conflict - which it this happens then we will need to reconcile the conflict or readjust our intention and goal.

Once we understand the laws of time and manifestation, we can work more successfully with time. We can even be on top of time, as it were, by knowing what is to come and the action necessary for completing a given work. Also realize that we can create time in our lives, rather than just wasting the time we have. Time is our gift, but time can also slip away if we don't make decisions and intentions about how to use it, or what to do in it.

Visualization can also help, and planning as well. Having a clear understanding or visualization of the needed steps, their order and the effort required, will better prepare us for the process required and help to set up the energies for these steps to succeed in time. Energy follows thought, so it is most useful to visualize the goal and the known steps to it before the process is begun. This also sets into action energies outside of ourselves that will help achieve the intention as visualized, due to the law of thought creating pattern and directing energy. So as visualization is used, and agreement set into place, success is more easily assured. Thought-visualization has a great influence upon the patterning of energies and occurrences before they happen, so it is only wise to use this law consciously with intention.

It is also of value to set up a schedule of steps, if possible, which again helps to pattern the energies in time before actually getting there. At the end of this section is a short explanation of time 'coming into' the present from the future.

Re, the second note, is the beginning of our actual effort and active doing, and getting into a rhythm with the work at hand. Here we need to actively get the work going, getting into the work, so to speak, and finding a good rhythm in what we are doing. It is here that our intention moves into actual commitment, action, and work rhythm.

Realize also that we are using the term, work, in a very general sense of meaning; which really includes anything and any activity we possibly do. It is to do with any kind of activity or any kind of interactive relationship. So this could also apply to an activity involving other people, or with other people, or even to do with play or recreation. Anytime that we apply intention, activity, and consciousness; we can be doing what is here being called work and using the law of octave.

Mi, the third note, is when our energy of consciousness comes into the work. An activated increase of consciousness is needed at this time, involving oneself and what we are actually doing. This is an increased consciousness (or awareness) of the work at hand, yet it also includes awareness of oneself involved in the work. For example, one might recognize here that 'I am doing this'. We realize our own active role in this work. Both oneself and the work at hand are included in this whole integral consciousness in the present moment. In analysis, we might understand that a triadic relation is involved, which includes the worker, what is being worked upon, and the actual work or interaction connecting these. The triad is worker, work/activity, and the recipient (or whatever or whoever we are interacting with).

Also, one could hold in mind an understanding of oneself as being useful or helpful in what we are doing, and also be aware of our inner feelings involved in this, and also of course maintain continual awareness of our physical body and what we are touching, etc. Fundamentally, we need to keep awareness of what we are doing and how we are doing, being grounded in the reality at hand. Yet also we can hold an understanding of ourself as being of service, and also understand what is required of us or what we are responsible for.

Often it is helpful to keep in mind one particular higher idea, truth, theme, understanding, or a clear intention, which could be held in mind as a thought-sentence or phrase. This helps focus the mind in a clear way, and it even helps keep scattered thoughts from sending one into a waking-dream state of associative thinking, ting which is the problem most people have. So we are not advocating a bunch of thinking. This is not a work to do with thinking. In fact, the less thought, the better, but a concentrated use of mind with focused thought is useful, which is not the same as scattered, random, associative thinking.

So in addition, as part of this note of consciousness, an inner triad of self-awareness should gradually come into place, which includes self-awareness in our three aspects of body, emotion, and mind. In other words, our consciousness/ awareness can include being aware of important truths necessary for the work, being conscious of our deeper feelings such as love, and also of course being necessarily aware of our physical body and movement during any activity - being usefully aware of what we are physically doing, such as being fully aware of our hands or our touch, etc.

All this together need not become complicated; it is meant to be integrative and come together as a whole unity in experience. At first it may seem difficult to bring all this together into full integrated unity, but if we begin with awareness on one aspect at a time, then with practice the full integration starts to coalesce.

Fa, the next note, is the middle note in the octave and is the point at which higher energies and greater help can begin to enter the work. Up until this point, we have a sense of separation between ourselves and the work. We feel that we are making the work or doing the work. But here at the note fa, we will start to come into a sense of connected relationship with the work at hand, whereby the worker and the work merge mutually into unity. It is the beginning of a sort of love experience with what we are doing and a feeling of unity in and with the work. New transformation of energies in our self will now begin to take place, along with outer transformation due to our work, through the continuance of the first three self-active notes combined with the now incoming higher notes which are allowed into the work by our shift into more of a receptive mode.

Somewhere in the note fa we break through a sense of separation from the work and a sense that 'I am doing this.' As the higher energies of transformation arrive into our work and the octave completion begins to arrive to us, there will be a growing sense of being part of the work itself, as well a sense of the completion coming towards us as we come towards the completion. The first three notes require a predominance of effort on our part and a 'I am active' mode of work, while the latter three notes have a more receptive quality as we come into the flow of the work and allow ourselves to harmonize with it.

There are two polarizing modes of time at work in the octave. One is the forward time from beginning to end, requiring our effort and push forward. The second is reverse time coming from the future or from the intended completion which we need to allow and receive as we proceed. In the first three notes, we experience time moving forward and we need to be active in it. But in the final three notes, we experience time moving towards us in reverse, from the future into the present. The note fa is the point of balance, where the two modes of time meet with equal intensity. Also, we experience a balance of being active and receptive at the same time.

The mi-fa interval

Before we can reach the note fa and move through the last three notes, we have to pass through a transitional impasse, the mi-fa interval, which requires a renewed impulse of intention.

At this interval we need to re-awaken to the original aim, or aim at hand, and reaffirm the possibility of completion and also our commitment to completion. Without this renewed effort, this reawakening of consciousness, and this reaffirmation of our commitment, the octave completion will usually fail, because the energy of our original intention and commitment will simply dry up or fizzle out before reaching the completion. Thus, at this point the octave needs a renewed energy - of intention, consciousness, and commitment.

The mi-fa interval can be very difficult to pass. Most of the time we do not really pass into fa and the latter notes in any intentional work, but merely revolve cyclically through the first three notes. What usually happens in our lives, or in a project, is that a circumstance (inner or outer) occurs that take us out of our original intention, or distracts us from the aim. Resistances to the work completion will also come up from within us at this time. Consequentially, we forget our intention and aim, so we are led into another direction, and thus never complete the original intention/aim. This is the usual situation in life. Most often, in fact very most often, an octave never gets completed because it gets side-railed in the mi-fa interval. This is part of the reason why good intentions seldom get completed. They get distracted, side-tracked, side-railed in the mi-fa interval of time, or else they simply lose their original energy of intention before getting into a sustainable rhythm all the way to completion.

Various possible circumstances, either inner or outer, will notoriously appear at this time; which can either take us right away from our intention/aim, or else be a means to re-awaken our intention/aim. Both are possible. Usually, an outer circumstance or an unexpected problem to deal with will distract one enough that the whole octave is disrupted and the work does not get completed. Sometimes this will be an occurrence or problem in our own self; as a resisting part of our psyche enters in to disrupt and divert the possible completion. Any of these possible hazards should be recognized as forces, outer or inner, come to distract us from our aim.

However, and it may seem odd, but at this point in the octave we may actually need something to disrupt our flow, in order to awaken us up from a tendency to go into waking-sleep during the work at hand, going into a routine-automatic way of being. Often, a shock or unexpected occurrence is needed from outside us, in order to wake us up or to intensify our effort. This would best come from a teacher, but it could come from anywhere.

At any rate, what we need to do at this mi-fa interval is to make some extra effort to wake up and be conscious of our intention. We need to renew our intention, renew our commitment, willingness and agreement. This is the pivotal transition of the octave, a place where we need to change step a little so as not to merely get into a waking-dream state of automatic pattern -- which can easily happen in any kind of work or activity, whereby we tend to get sort of hypnotized in it and so lose the needed tension of higher consciousness. So we need to bring greater awareness, effort and intention into the work, until we feel a definite change, in order to arrive into the note fa. We need to build up enough creative tension with the intention of do, the effort of re, and the consciousness of mi, in order to make a kind of quantum leap into the next level, which is in alchemical terms the beginning of the major opus and the descent of the higher forces.

As well, at this point in time, we should ask ourselves if the present task, activity or project is truly important and realistically attainable. For this is also the point in any task or project of questioning both the importance and real feasibility of it. So far in this exposition, it has been assumed that the original intention and aim is actually valuable and feasible. But sometimes we start on something with great enthusiasm, only to latter realize that it wasn't really important enough for the effort and time. Sometimes we get an idea in our head to do something, but it is soon realized that the idea and intention did not have as much value and importance as we had originally thought, so we ought to abandon it. This is how life is. We often go forth on something, but then realize it is not the best way or not necessary. Maybe a better idea comes to us, so we need to make a turn in direction. Not all intentional octaves are worth completing. This is simply a realistic view. So, the mi-fa interval is a point when we might be better off abandoning the original intention. For it could be that this work we are presently doing is not actually so important at all, or perhaps not realistically attainable.

So this is also the point of re-questioning and re-assessing the work, as well as asking ourselves if we are truly willing to go for it all the way to completion. This is a point when we need to be really honest and also evaluative. This is a point of extreme creative tension, a point in time when we need to look inside ourselves, feel in our heart, and re-ask the question of whether this particular intention/work is truly important to us, and if so, ask within if we are sincerely willing and committed to completing the task. Therefore, what is most important at this point is our sincere and realistic questioning about the value of this particular work and about our sincerity of commitment to completing it. Then, if we see that this present work is valuable, we have to be careful to not give up too soon, to give up our effort right at this crucial point. If we see that the present work we are doing has important value, we need to make an extra renewed commitment at this time and give the work a needed boost of intentional energy.

Thus, there are two alternatives at this time of the mi-fa interval. We can realize the importance of the present work-at-hand and so renew our decision and commitment to this with an intensified effort. Or, we decide at this time to abandon the present octave, change course, and perhaps begin a different project. Sometimes we simply realize that we had originally set off on a project of work that is now seen to be a wrong way, or not the best way, or not realistically possible to complete. Sometimes we make an intention and embark on a course that at some point we realize is either not the best way or unfeasible. So the mi-fa is good place to make a change.

However, very often in life, we continually change course in the middle of the stream, never really going on to a final completion, so we never experiencing the full benefit of a completely fulfilled octave. There definitely is a very valuable energy and transformation gained by actually completing an octave of intentional work. It also builds 'will' in our being. The building of will requires conscious intention and conscious completion of this intention. If we habitually do not carry out our intentions and commitments to completion, then our further ability of will and of commitment are weakened in our inner being. We acquire a developing strength of commitment and will, in our being, through each completed fulfillment of an intentional octave. Thus, we can then go on to our next intention, carrying all the energy acquired through the last one.

So unless there is good reason to abandon the octave at hand and change course, it is best to move on, and move on with a renewed commitment and effort.

Fa is the note of self-surrender. At the point of fa, a renewed intention and commitment to the work will have already been made, as will be explained below. Commitment always involves some degree of self-surrender, a surrender of oneself to the work at hand. This stage of surrender then sets forth the beginning of the second half of the Octave, which has the overall quality of receptivity, more so than activity, and is the beginning of the descent of higher energies, as it is taught in spiritual alchemy. In the final three notes, higher energies enter into the work, which we call divine energies. Future potential now enters into the work and now comes toward us.

Sol, the fifth note, is a stage of receptive registration. It is also a time when we can intuitively realize higher truths and principles. Here we can intuitively understand spiritual laws and science. Essentially, in this stage, we mentally receive and register/understand Higher Wisdom, Spiritual Understanding and Divine Principles for living a purposeful life. We also can receive, register and understand in our mind higher Spiritual Qualities. This is the note /or stage involving our higher mind, and Divine Wisdom/Truth is the resonating energy in this note. We begin to have a mental understanding of the higher spiritual powers at hand and how they are presently helping us. We begin to have a mentally registered relationship with the Divine Wisdom and Power. Also, the work is becoming easier and our self-effort less important.

Now remember, of course, that each of these notes/stages provide certain Potentials, which we can allow into ourselves and into our experience, more or less. These are Potentials withing an Octave, of which can become real in us, in some portion or in some degree, depending on multiple factors within our self, such as preparedness, consciousness, commitment and will, receptivity and allowing.

La is a stage when the higher divine energies are assimilated into our being. These are energies of Divine Being assimilating into our personal being. This note involves our higher emotions, with Love as its apex. Divine Love is the resonating energy in this note. Also in this note we may have a deep experience of relationship with Divine Being, a relationship of love. Other love qualities can come in as well, such as joy, as our emotional body ascends into new levels of love and attunement and union with the Divine or with God. And by this stage, there seems to be no effort at all needed to do the work and complete it; for the work itself seems to carry us forward or even pull us towards its completion, and future-time seems to easily come to us. The whole feeling of work at this time seems to be effortless and without any struggle, and also under the guiding power of a Greater Being. We are now being cooked in such a way that we are now oblivious to the heat.

Ti is the note of completion and its quality is gratefulness. In this note, the Octave is finally completed and we can feel grateful about it all. There is still work to be done in this note of time, in order to complete/finish the work we had agreed to in our intention of do. And the time needed to finish may seem to short; that is, it might well appear that we do not have enough time to finish, and time may seem to be racing towards us. A part of the Octave's intent is to complete a given work in a designated amount of time, so as to be working in sync with the hidden possibilities time. Therefore, part of our task in the octave is to actually complete what had been intended within a certain time period, and the adept would have been ordering the steps of their action according to the needs of the work and by a plan of how to finish it in the given time period.

So now, it will seem that time is rushing towards us, but we still have things needed to complete.

However, there is a higher power at work, in this time, helping us from within. This higher power is in the potential of this note, and this will help us. But we need to trust in this higher power and allow it to help. So in this note we can potentially be empowered by a higher power. We could also understand this as the divine will working through us, or it could also be understood as help from our angel, or a teacher, or simply as universal power. This power can now work through us because of all our preparation and work done in the previous notes. It is allowed to work through us because of our commitment, perseverance, our will-to-serve, our love and attunement.

Then, when we actually complete the intended work, a sense of gratefulness fills us, a gratefulness for the work, our role in it, and the accomplishment now at hand. It is done, and we can acknowledge our success in its completion. There is a release of new energies within us and also in the area of this work. Yet now we need to consciously release this particular focus and let go of ourself from it. If we remain attached at this point, not letting it go, then the octave cannot properly end.

The Ti-Do interval

The ti-do interval now comes in, which is the interval between the completed octave and the next octave possible to be. Until we consciously complete the last octave, with gratefulness, we cannot really move on to the next possible one. But sometimes this is difficult to do. One reason may be that we feel unsure about what we just completed. For example, people sometimes worry on about what was done, whether it was right or done right. But this kind of worry stops the octave from properly completing. The other cause of incompletion is when a person does not let it go, letting it go with acceptance and gratefulness.

The ti-do interval requires a conscious release in order to pass through it and onto the next octave. The key to this passage is gratefulness and to let what we have done settle without tampering. It is a point of conscious rest in gratitude. Also, through gratitude we open ourselves up to further divine guidance, which will lead us to the next important octave. We leave the past octave behind and open ourselves to the next question of life, the next decision and octave to be made.

Often people do not really finish anything or allow a completion to rest as it is, because they are afraid of moving on to the next phase of their life. This transition point between one octave and another is often scary, so we hold onto the past, rather than making new decisions and efforts toward another adventure. It is possible that one can hold on so much to the past octave, in fear of having to begin something new, that one never really completes the octave at hand. Letting go of the past and being in a new point of decision and transitional tension can be unsettling, but if we can be in gratefulness for the past and trust in the future to come, then we can move on to even greater adventures in conscious evolution.